Ok, so this is a little hard to
explain. It was made not by me, but by a friend of mine, who is not part
of this community. It was an April Fool's trade, that ended up as this massive caption.
It took me a while (since the text is enormous and I was procrastinating), but here you will be able to find the story version with colored text!
And to finish, all pledge goes to her! ->
Image source: danbooru.donmai.us/posts/35849…
It took me a while (since the text is enormous and I was procrastinating), but here you will be able to find the story version with colored text!
And to finish, all pledge goes to her! ->

Image source: danbooru.donmai.us/posts/35849…
my name is John, I'm 17 and today is the first day in a new school. I
got kicked out from the last one, and the one before, and the before,
all schools of the state in fact, because I'm a teen delinquent and I
kept getting into fights and stuff. One day I even wrote 'you succ' in
pink spray on our Math teacher's car (Mr. Grey sucks.) And while all of
that is cool, it was really hard to find a new school that would accept
me. It was really hard, but we saw this flier about a fancy school that
I'd never heard about before, so here I am. This is a boarding school,
which is kinda cool since I don't have to live with my parents and hear
how much of a disappointment I am but whatever. Fuck 'hem. Anyway, this
school is pretty big and kinda fancy. Also weird. Everyone I pass by
looks shady and mysterious for some reason. This is actually the middle
of the year, so everyone is going around doing their stuff and giving me
weird looks, since I'm new probably and I also look lost af, which I
am. The place is huge, with several hallways and grand staircases and
chandeliers. It's fancily weird. So I open the uptenth set of double
doors, hoping it's chemistry class (wow I can't believe I'm actually
saying this), but I'm only met with an empty room--er, mostly empty. At
the center of it there's actually a base with a ballerina statue on top,
which looks like it's made of marble, but I'm not sure. "The fuck?"
stomp over to glare at the thing more closely, with a mix of bafflement
and boredom. I'm so tired of trying to figure out the layout of this
place that this oddly placed ornament is almost amusing. Now that I'm
looking closer, I notice the thing could actually be made of porcelain. I
raise my hand to inspect it, but when my finger is about to touch it--
"WHAT ARE YOU DOING?" A thin and very loud voice shrieks, and I jump,
finger bumping on the statue strongly enough that it flies off and
shatters on the floor. Porcelain it is. "You broke it!" The voice yells
again and I might just have gotten deaf. "And whose fault is it bitch?" I
spat as I turn around to look at the girl.
moment I lay my eyes on her though, my anger almost vanishes away, as I
am stunned by the absolute chick standing before me. She is just a bit
shorter than me, with large hips and some really nice tits framed by her
crossed arms. She has flaming hair and cold blue eyes, that are
currently glaring at me. "Oh, hello." Her eyebrows furrow even further.
"Don't hello me, you just broke the statue!" I huff. "It was an
accident. So what?"
She makes a
frustrated noise that in another situation could have been amusing, but
right now it's just less than sexy and I am quickly growing bored. "If
you excuse me, I gotta find--" "You're not going anywhere!" She shouts
as she grabs my arm with a surprisingly strong grip. "What the hell, let
me go bitch!" "What's happening here?!" We both freeze and stare at the
source of the sound, the crazy chick still stopping my blood
circulation. And standing by a side door is another girl.
Flaming chick yells, thankfully letting go of my increasingly purple
arm. "This guy just broke the statue!" "Oh dear," goth beauty says as
she covers her mouth with a hand. "That’s an unfortunate accident." My
lips curve into a smirk. Not just pretty, she is sensible! "See? Good
thing we agree that it was an accident. Now—-" "How do you intend to
pay?" Goth girl speaks again. I blink, not understanding the words right
away, but when I do... "The hell? I don’t have fucking money to pay
you!" "You destroyed an item of my hoard!" Flaming chicks yells again,
but I'm barely paying attention, as I'm pissed af. "IT WAS AN ACCIDENT."
"It's still broken," goth beauty interjects, and I could have screamed
if other 3 chicks hadn't entered the goddamn room, which is slowly
getting crowded.
happening here?" Another tall girl with orange hair speaks, resolutely.
Her green eyes are narrowed impassively and her uniform jacket is
buttoned up respectfully, fully covering her big boobs. Another two
girls peak from behind her, one short with curly short pink-purple hair
staring curiously, and another tiny girl with brown hair pulled back
into a braid and a pointy unfashionable hat over her head. She looked
positively mischievous.
I'm so glad you're here! This guy just broke the statue!" I wonder if
it's even worth it trying to say it was an accident anymore. "And he
also doesn't have money to pay," goth beauty adds. I huff. "Maybe he
could pay with his services..." Before respectful model could answer
though, the lolli jumps in front of her. "I have an idea!" To my
surprise, I'm not the only one to groan. "Wendy..." Goth beauty starts
saying softly, but is almost immediately cut off by the energetic lolli.
TEST IT--" "Wendy..." This time it was flaming chick who spoke, more
tired than anything. I could finally relate. "You can't use everyone as
your guinea pigs." "I have no idea of what's going on, but you chicks
are crazy, and for once I think it's safe to agree with what this
flaming chick just said." "What did you just call me? My name is Dona,
you jerk!"
"Shhhhhh, hear me out
guys," lolli interrupted once more while gesturing wildly. "Ok so,
remember how we were getting several customers on the club and we've
been wanting to get a new member?" "We were discussing that, but..."
Shortie spoke for the first time, shyly. "And, didn't Sarah just suggest
him to pay with his services?" "Wendy," this time it was the
respectable model who spoke, putting a hand on her shoulder. And fixing
her with an intense glare. Instead of cutting her off though, Wendy
waited with wide eyes for her to finish. "This is very sensible of you,
and you know that I fully support you, but we only accept female hosts
in our club." My eye twitches. At this point it feels like they are
discussing about me without even caring that I'm just a couple of feet
away. Also, what kind of club even is that?
Karen, this is the best part...I've been working on a genderbender
spell! This is the perfect occasion to test it, don't you think?
Also...don't you support my experimentations?" And then she gives the
puppy eyes. I'm confused. More than confused. Whatever they are on
about, doesn't sound good at all. But with all of her serious and
respectfulness, she wouldn't possibly agree-- "Ok."
are you sure about this?" Goth asks, as perplexed as shortie, while
flaming chick just looks completely pissed off. "You need to freaking
stop spoiling her!" "I am not spoiling, she does have a solid point."
"Like hell!" She bursts, extra angrily. Maybe if I do it slowly I can
sneak out of here... "Don't you want him to pay the statue?" "...Fine."
What. How the hell does someone change their mind this quickly? I'm
about to reach the doorknob when all heads turn to me. "Fuck."
him before he gets away!" Lolli screams and they all except
not-so-respectful model lung towards me. "Get off you crazy chicks!" I
try to open the door, but my hand is held back by smth slimy. "The
hell?!" "Yes, hold him!" I'm sufficiently stunned that the first two
chicks sneak behind me and hold me in place with surprisingly strong
grips (and I work out!).
"Let me
go!" I yell, right before another slimy thing is shoved inside my mouth.
My eyes go extremely wide when I finally see what this is...it's a
tentacle! And it's coming out of the shortie?! I struggle, desperately
trying to get free, but the girls' grip on me get painfully tighter.
Goth's eyes flash red for a second and flaming's nails elongate into
claw slightly digging into my skin. My eyes's meet hers and I know that
in that moment she noticed the genuine fear that I felt. What the fuck
is going on here?
"Let's begin,"
lolli says with a honestly terrifying and sadistic grin, pulling out a
magic wand out of nowhere. She starts saying words that I don't
understand, but they quickly fall deaf to my ears as I'm overcome with
excruciating pain. My skin goes ablaze and my legs falter, so now the
only thing keeping me in place are the girls. Every inch of my body
feels as if it's being carved with knives from the inside out; I scream
on reflex, but end up chocking instead with my obstructed throat.
hear a crack and I fall forward like a rag doll, desperately trying to
take deep breaths but ultimately failing. I get light headed from the
lack of air and the pain is so intense I can barely see, but I can still
feel as the bones shift under my skin. I squirm, or at least I think I
do, and my face feels wet, either by sweat or tears. Now it's not just
the tentacle in my throat that feels constricting, my stick clothes are
slowly becoming tighter and tighter, but only in a feel parts, mostly
around my hips and my chest.
head is still fuzzy, but as the pain thankfully starts to subside, the
heat that it had brought to my body starts to shift to a whole different
feeling. It's incredibly uncomfortable, but as I squirm, the rubbing of
my skin against the cloth only makes it worse. It dawns on me a bit too
late what this sensation was exactly, for the black on the corners of
my vision swallowed me completely.
alive?" "Anyon...." More hushed voices follow, but I'm not able to make
a single word. I blink my eyes slowly, disoriented. It takes a few
moments, but I finally recognize the room from earlier. With some
difficulty, I lift my self up with my elbows and I notice the group of
girls turned away from me. It takes only a couple of seconds before
insane lolli noticed me, eyes going wide and mouth stretching in an
impossibly large smile. That's not a good sign. "SHE'S AWAKE!" I don't
have time to unpack her statement, seeing as now I'm once more the main
focus of attention. "Stay back--" I start yelling, but cut myself off
mid sentence. Is this...my voice?
to the club!" Lolli yelled cheerfully, before adding in a more sinister
tone: "Now you have no other choice..." "W-What?" I try to stand up,
but everything feels weird, wrong. I look down to my own body and I
can’t process what I’m seeing—how is this even possible?! "Y-you...you
turned me into a chick?!" I yell, voice painfully acute. "Great spell,
isn’t it?" She goes on, but I’m no longer pay attention. My eyes keep
darting at the impossible mountains on my chest and back up at the girls
who only seem mildly impressed. This was real. This was magic—they
weren’t human! No one paid attention as I freaked out with this
realization, or so I thought. By accident, my eyes met the first girl’s,
who was the only one looking at me now, face scrunched up. I faltered.
hey, now that’s done with," she spoke abruptly, startly everyone in the
room, me included, "I guess I should take our new member to get a more
fitting uniform, don’t you think?" "That’s very sensible, Dona. Do that,
we can go through the details with her later." "Sure thing, Karen," she
answered casually, but her eyes were trained on me as she walked
towards me. "Do you want me to join you?" "No need for that, Sara." And
then she took my arm. I tried to fight on reflex, but she tightened her
grip and leaned closer to whisper in my ear. "I know what’s going on,
and it will be better for you if you just follow me." I’m still pretty
much dazed and confused, but I do just that. She only lets go of me
several minutes later, when we are in a different, empty room, and I
waste no time putting distance between us. And as soon as the door is
closed behind us, I find my (still unnerving and unfamiliar) voice. "You! You’re not human!" "Of fucking course not!" She snarls, striding
across the room and once more closing the distance. "Humans aren’t
allowed here." "W—what?" "So tell me—" she bangs her hand against the
wall behind me, and I stuck in place. "—How the hell is a human like you
I take a sharp intake of
breath and let it out shakily. “I don’t know.” Her narrowed eyes (that
now have to look down on me) search mine for a few long seconds, until
she looks away with a sigh. "You shouldn’t be here." "No shit." I regret
speaking near instantly as her eyes send daggers in my direction. "S—so...what would happen if they find about me? I mean—not just the
other girls..." "I’m not sure..." she says casually, but then there’s a
glimmer in her eyes as her lips stretch into an open smirk, and I swear I
can see her razor sharp teeth. "But I heard stories, and they aren’t
nice." I gulp. I’ve gotten myself into a fair share of fights, but I
don’t think I can deal with these creatures. "So what are you going to
do? Are you going to tell me on?" Its a wonder how my voice doesn’t
shake, it’s been doing a lot of that since I woke up. She taps one
manicured finger on her lips, feigning the utmost innocence. "Hm I don’t
know...but I might keep your secret." I narrow my eyes. "What’s the
catch?" "Nothing! Well, except that you will join the club—" "Are you
fucking serious? Is this all you care about?" I burst, this is just too
ridiculous! She simply rolls her eyes. "While this is definitely a
bonus, I gotta admit, I just found something more interesting." "...And
what is it?" And then she gives her most genuine smile, so much that I’m
taken aback. But her words still send a chill down my spine: "Messing
with you, of course!"
unbutton your shirt." Whatever I thought this club might have been
about...this definitely wasn't that. Turns out it's a host club. An
ecchi host club. And while I would have been all over the idea in any
regular situation, this definitely wasn't the case as of. Especially
since, one day after the ordeal, still stuck as a girl at getting a
'lesson' from the other club members on what to do, I started to regret
my decision to rebel against the situation by stupidly not wearing a
bra. Now, with tits out (and damn aren't these things sensitive) and
skirt pulled up showing basically everything with those stupid panties
almost fucking me, I'm completely exposed to their ministrations. And
for someone as shy as shortie, she has some really naughty tentacles.
Worse of all, Dora is having the time of her life watching me. I'm doing
my best to keep a power face, but it is virtually impossible when I
look like a tomato.
"What's the
matter, Joana?" Ah, when it couldn't get more annoying... My eyes twitch
on reflex at the name, causing Dora's smirk to only widen. It's
infuriating, but perhaps the worst part is the fact that I don't
actually mind it that much...and that's definitely something I do not
want to unpack right now. Or ever. "Nothing. I'm just peachy," I snarl
in reply. "Then don't be too shy! You know, they aren't actually allowed
to do anything with you, just tease a bit...that is, unless you want
to." No, thanks, this is mortifying enough...of course I don't say it
out loud, but I feel like she can still read it in my eyes. Or all over
me. "Dora, no need to be mean!" Goth, or rather Sarah (who is definitely
a lot less of a pain in the ass), interjects. "I'm just saying," she
says with a shrug, right before her eyes once more became sharp. "Though
I'd understand if she isn't interested in them. After all..." and then
her eyes meet mine with such intensity that I shiver, "why not settle
for something better?"
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